Sunday, February 27, 2011

Any Thoughts?

Yesterday after telling a friend I had run 9 miles earlier in the day, he asked me what I thought about while I was running for almost an hour and a half.  Here is a brief answer to that question. Mile one is almost always consumed mostly with thoughts of slowing my butt down so I don't burn out by mile 3.  Mile one was also a mile of figuring  a route to take so that the wind is avoided as much as possible.  When the air temp is 6 below the wind is best avoided.  On a good day, by mile two the music I have on changes from an outside disturbance to a relaxing whisper.  Miles 3 and 4 are still filled with thoughts of speed regulation, it can be difficult to keep yourself reeled in during the early miles. Mile 5, over half way there, starting to think about picking up the pace. By mile 6 legs got a little achy I was able to remind myself to take a few deep breaths and keep pushing on at the current pace.  Miles 7 and 8 were rather peacful, thoughts of the looming nice weather and good memories can go a very long way.  By the end of mile 8 I am feeling a bit fatigued just as one of my favorite Metallica songs is getting to the lyrics that state 'listen dammit we will win'.  Those lyrics ring through with our goal to beat cancer.  As I proceed, bad memories of wathching a little girl waste away in less than two months start to drag me down even further.  Then I take a breath get lost in the music again and focus, I pick up the pace and no longer imagine myself floating over the pavement.  Instead I try to dig my feet in with every step thrusting myself forward faster.  Finish strong is the only thought I have left in my mind. By the end of mile nine I am a sweaty mess and feel pretty good, better get inside before I cool off and freeze in place, only to be found by sandbaggers in a few weeks.

Remember to keep May 21st on the calendar.  They are hoping to have at least one band for every mile during the Fargo Marathon.  It will be a great time.

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