Two runs successfully completed in Dickinson. The first run (on Friday) was a 6 mile run, the weather was a little questionable but the hills were too tempting. The 12 mile run on Saturday ended up happening in the West River Community Center in Dickinson. WRCC is a great facility with some of the best treadmills I have ever used and a nice second floor indoor running track. 6 miles on treadmills and 6 miles on the track worked really well.
Naturally with a busy lifestyle I was very nervous about finding time to get all the miles completed. So far so good though. I have found that searching for places to train has been a great way to find out what each city has to offer. I hate to sound trite, but it really is true that once you put your mind to something it isn't that tough to accomplish a goal. So as I ramble on about myself please keep in mind that the ultimate goal here is to help all cancer fighters in any way possible.
30 miles completed this week
Way to go! I am glad you were able to get in some hills this weekend. Keep up the awesome work and the positive attitude!