Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Marathon has Just Begun!

Well.....I made it 4:17 for my first marathon, not as fast as I wanted but apparently faster than the average first marathoner.  Either way I will take it and the event was a great time.  If I said it was smooth sailing the whole way I would be lying like crazy.  Miles 22 through 25 were an experience in pain that I had no idea was coming. At the beginning of mile 26 when I could see the end in sight I had a decision to make.  Either walk and have it hurt like hell or run and have it hurt like hell for less time.  I picked option number two and finished the race.  I was very grateful for the family and friends that were strategically placed along the way.  Even though I saw them for a grand total of less than a minute, it is amazing what a friendly and loving face can do to lift your spirit and keep you pressing on.

Another pleasant surprise I encountered during this great event was all the information and advice that you gain along the way.  Information such as, beer at the finish line, naked cheerleaders one mile ahead, and Chuck Norris never ran a marathon were great tid bits of info. that kept me forging forward.  The advice was equally as encouraging.  I don't know how I have made it this far in life without signs like, finish before the rapture, 26.2 miles because 26.3 would be crazy, and last but not least, don't sh**t yourself.  I think Confucius rolled over in his grave. 

I would like to thank everyone for all the support along this journey and I don't think, by now, that I need to insert anymore cancer metaphors.  If you are wondering how to get involved just participate in any of your local Relay for Life events. When I say participate I mean spend time at the event reading luminaries, listening to speakers, and visiting with all the team members that have worked so hard to achieve the same goals that my family and I are trying to achieve.  If you really want to leap in, spend the whole night walking on the track and taking in the emotion of the event.  It won't take long to figure out why we are so passionate about this cause and want to prevent others from experiencing all the BS that we have experienced.  If you are local to me our event starts at 5:30 pm June 3 and ends at 6:00am June 4, in Lisbon ND.  Hope to see you on this continued journey to beat the hell out of cancer. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Remember the Moms

Thanks to all the participants in the Running for the Ribbons 5K run.  We had our first really nice spring day for the run, a great time was had by all.  Running for me has been less than impressive after the last long run.  Up until 3 days ago my hip was still in pain from the last 18 mile run.  My common sense (wife) suggested going to the doctor if it didn't get better by Wednesday.  I ended up going in on Monday just to find out what was going on.  It turns out I needed new shoes and here I am on Friday with no hip pain.  On the down side, now my common sense knows I don't have a hearing problem and I am going to have to come up with a different excuse for not listening to her.

On the theme of the Mother’s Day Holiday this past weekend, we should celebrate all the wonderful firsts that Mothers get to experience with their children.
Please take a moment of silence for some of the firsts that a cancer Mom endures.
Firsts such as the following:
 The first time she has to use a brush to literally comb out her daughter’s hair after her first round of chemotherapy.
 The first wheelchair ride because the cancer has overtaken her daughter’s spine and can no longer walk. 
The first eye patch to cover one of her daughter’s eyes, so that she no longer sees double, because the cancer has also affected her vision.
The first time her child looks at her with tears in her eyes and searing fear in her voice, barely squeaking out the words “I don’t want to die”
The first time she has to look at her child with tears in her eyes and searing fear in her voice and tell her daughter that she is indeed going to die.
The above are just a few of the firsts that my wife and too many other Mothers are forced to experience.  Please remember it doesn’t matter if your child is 8 or 58 we are all equal in this cancer fight so we must keep up the work. 
 Fargo Marathon in less than 2-weeks – May 21, 2011 – come and support all the runners.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Last 20 mile training run!?

Life on a personal level has been busy since the last post, hence the reason for 2 weeks without an update.  Training has been pressing forward though. I suffered a minor setback with a sore hip after the 20 mile run on April 17th.  I had to take a couple days off to avoid further injury.  Not feeling 100% I was a bit concerned all this past week with my last 20 mile run looming on the horizon for this weekend.  Nonetheless Saturday arrived and I had to get it done, so the plan was a nice easy run just to get the miles in and not injure myself.  The first 5 miles were pretty much pain free and I was able to establish a very nice pace.  At mile 5.5 as if to say, "hey dumbass I thought you were going to take it easy", my stomach started to cramp.  I am not talking a side ache either, I am talking gastrointestinal cramping that didn't subside until mile 6.5.  After working through the cramps I continued on at an EASIER pace to avoid injuring myself.  At around mile 12 my thighs, calves, and hamstrings started to feel a little tight.  That tightness was not supposed to be happening, I have run this distance many times before.  I must have been a bit dehydrated,  so I made sure hydration was a priority and if I needed to stop and stretch I would.  By mile 15 I had to do just that, after taking a walk/stretch break I continued on feeling pretty good.  Mile 16 brought searing pain to my right inner calf, I actually felt like someone was shoving a hot knitting needle into my leg.  Shortly after the calf pain started two of the toes on my right foot started to cramp also.  In the name of self preservation, yesterday was an 18 mile run instead of 20.

I think at least one major physical battle was what I needed to drive home the message and the training.  Through all the pain I still had to function for the rest of the day and I didn't feel near as terrible as someone being treated for Cancer.  The amount of suffering cancer patients endure is unparalleled and I am in awe of the strength of every single one of them.  I also do still feel like we can do better in helping relieve some of that suffering.

P.S. The weather was terrible yesterday, I am just really sick of talking about it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Snow, Cold, Flood, Snow, Rain, Flood.........

Saturday morning, first 20 mile run completed, one more to go in two weeks and then the dowhill slide into the marathon.  Nerves haven't set in yet but I am sure that will come as race day gets closer. Truthfully the weather still continues to be the biggest struggle with this.  Mother nature is mildly unamused about something and she is taking it out on most of the country. Fargo is no exception to that rule. I would like to get at least one long run in under good weather conditions.  I know the less than desirable weather is a big help, it really does make for better training, but enough is enough already. 

To answer a question possibly haunting one of my neighbors.  Yes, that was me that yelled your name from accross the street in downtown Fargo yesterday.  He did turn around and wave, but he either had no clue who I was right away, or was embarrassed to acknowledge he knew me, as it was a very confused and half hearted wave.  I would vote on the latter of the two.  I wouldn't blame him, I am sure I looked ridiculous lumbering along in a hooded sweatshirt, stocking cap, running tights with shorts over them and two different colored gloves on because I was in a hurry when I left the house.  Oh well, if someone got a chuckle because I don't worry about how I look that is perfect, I would probably make fun too. 

Please take time to read and support 'One Survivor's Mission'.  She has been through hell and is a great example a person that knows how to keep pressing on. (follow the link on the left)

Thursday, April 14, 2011


All this talk about training can’t overshadow the reason for this blog.  Exactly two years ago today (4-14-09) we watched a little girl take her final steps as a human being. A little girl that used to run the older boys literally into the ground and laugh as they gasped for air. From that day forward until her death on 6-22-09 she was in constant pain and mental torture knowing that she couldn’t run and play like all the other 7 year old children.  I guess that is a pretty obvious metaphor for the reasons why I feel the uncontrollable need to use the hell out of my body.  On that day we were told that the treatments that started on April 24, 2008 basically didn’t work.  Treatments that ended in October of 2008 had put her in ‘remission’ for 6 months.  Don’t get me wrong we are very thankful for the time that we were able to spend with our daughter during treatment and remission.  We made many lifelong memories with friends and family during this time.  Some doctors and research centers will say the treatments that gave a 6 month survival were successful treatments.  Some even go as far as to call them breakthrough treatments.  Well guess what, you will NEVER convince me that 6 month survival is a breakthrough. I know that researchers and doctors work very hard and are a heck of a lot smarter than I am. That doesn’t change the FACT that for our daughter the treatments DID NOT WORK.  In fact I know of cases where the actual treatment caused another cancer to form.  So 6 month survival for someone that should live for another 70+ years.  WRONG ANSWER…it just didn’t work. 

I understand that when someone is starting treatment if a doctor were to say “the next 8 months of hell might not work and you will lose your life anyway” there would be too many people opting out of the treatment that could potentially save their life.  On the back end though, it is irritating as a parent that lost a child to hear “new breakthrough cancer drug…6 month survival rate”.  Is that really all the better we can do!!!!?  I am not sold, I think there should be a higher standard, and if there is a higher standard and the public doesn’t know about it that is just as irritating.  I understand this post could be highly offensive to some.  If so, hopefully you are a doctor or researcher that will actually take heed to being chastised and hold yourself to a higher standard.

20 mile run on Saturday for me, the wife plans to ride bike with, the young lad is still not sold.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

Rain, 40 degrees, and the hint of a cold that has been going around forced a 13 mile treadmill torture.  Hopefully that decision proves to keep my physical health in tact.  I know for sure it didn't do a darn thing for my mental health.  I kept picturing myself as a giant hamster running on a wheel inside a cage with a red accent wall.  Maybe next winter I will get a large plastic ball so I can just roll around the house for two hours.  At mile 10.8 the treadmill even tried to say enough is enough.  Apparently there is a safety switch that makes it shut off after a certain amount of time.  Thank goodness no one was home to listen to me have words with the treadmill for shutting down early. 

Spring weather is desperatly trying to take hold around here.  It will be nice to get some long runs in without six layers on.  I can honestly say the thought of venturing out on a cold rainy day was very tempting.  I have started to look at the bad weather days as a challenge to myself to get the run in regardless of the crappy weather.  If I didn't have a twenty mile run coming up in a week I would have thrown caution to the wind and braved the rain.  The treadmill is a whole challenge of it's own.  I keep telling myself the mind nubming boredom is helping me with the mental game. 

Please keep in mind one of the lessons cancer taught me.  Although cancer took the life of someone I loved, it also taught me that no matter what bad things happen, life is only as good as you make it.   

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Who planned this route?

This week was a bit different for training.  My brother got married on Saturday so we were out of town from Friday morning until Sunday afternoon.  Congrats to my brother, it is nice to welcome a new sister-in-law to the family.  She is very nice and patient, those traits will come in handy for her.  I knew I would miss a few days of training, so I made sure and completed the 18 mile run on Thursday evening.  It started out very nice 34 degrees mild wind, no big deal.   About mile 5 at  6:00pm I ended up in the WRONG area.  It didn't even register until the smell of original recipe chicken entered my sinuses.  A couple blocks later... ahhh a woodfire grill.  Good thing I have electrolyte chews with me.  Maybe I can shove them up my nose so I can't smell all the delicous food that I can't have.  I rethought that plan knowing that I would be on the other side of the torture chamber in just a few minutes.  After consuming electrolyte chews the correct way and rehydrayting I was feeling pretty good and hunger was no longer on my mind.  Until mile 9...fresh baked bread from one of the bread stores downtown.  I am sure I looked like a dog with the drool stalactites hanging from each side of my mouth.   

After breaking clear of all food smells I turned south into a wind that had intesified and was carrying  rain and sleet along with it.  By mile 15 my legs were starting to feel  a bit of pain.  I was starting to cramp up bit but I was able to push through the pain and keep the same pace.  Being able to push through the pain was very reassuring and helped me realize it was the right choice to get this part of the training completed. Sometimes every mile is a struggle, but the struggle is what makes you better. 

Remember to E-mail me if you want to register for the Running for the Ribbos 5k.  I will send you a registration form.  We are hoping to have most registrations back by April 15th.  (

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Who Needs Date Night?

After a minimul amount of coaxing my wife gracefully agreed to ride bike along side me while I completed my 17 mile run on Saturday.  Slushy streets made it difficult for her to keep up but as the spring progresses it will be easier for her to come with.  Who needs dinner and a movie when you can spend quality time in the great outdoors, it's alot cheaper too.  The 17 mile run this weekend went ten times better than the 15 mile run two weeks ago.  I am guessing it was the weather.....  oops, I mean the company, that made it go better.  Convincing our son to ride along with, well that is another issue.  His comment when I complain about blisters is, "that's what you get for being crazy".  I know he means crazy in the most supportive sense of the word.  Needless to say he won't be joining in on the long runs, but short runs aren't out of the question. 

I would like to take this time to thank everyone for the great support.  Already, we are at 26% of our goal for our Relay for Life team and we have until June to reach our goal.  The support is great and should remind us all that people do still have good intentions.  Please take time for a moment of silence for our friends and loved ones that have been lost to this terrible disease. 

46 parents will be told that their child has cancer today. 


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Keep up the Fight

As I look ahead I see a long week of training in front of me.  4 miles on Monday 8 miles on Tuesday, 4 miles on Wednesday, 8 miles on Thursday, and 17 miles on Saturday. Training for a marathon is definitly a time commitment, but it is actually a good release for built up energy and aggression. Not only that, if I want to finish and be satisified with myself the miles are absolutely necessary.  I also think about all the cancer patients that can't just take a day off from cancer.  If I were to take a day off just because I don't feel like it I would be defeating the whole purpose of my message.  Together we can help make huge advances in treatments, cures, care giving, etc.  The list of ways to help is endless it just takes a little time to find out what you can do.  I would like to thank all of you who have followed along thus far for taking the time to read and help spread awareness.  Every little bit really does help. 

As a parent that has lost a child there is one comment that you hear very often.  That comment is "I can't imagine how terrible it would be to watch your child pass away".  Might I add in our case it happened on the living room sofa that we sit on every day.  It is an absolutely indescribable pain that teaches you to either press on or let the sorrow consume your life.  For the most part the days are good, but there are days that fighting off the urge bust someone upside the head is extremely difficult.  For those of you in similar shoes take this time to pat yourself on the back.  You have been down a long road and you know how to fight and endure pain just as well as those great fighters that have battled cancer. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Friends Keep You Going

15 miles on Saturday was challenging to say the least.  The timing of a friend's offer to run with me on Saturday couldn't have been better.  Having a partner to run with really helps, espescially when the wind is a sustained 20mph.  The miles are very important here so not training because of bad weather just isn't an option.  Remember I am always looking for offers for people to train with so just let me know.  Your body was made to move, so instead of spending that hour on the couch spend 45 to 120 minutes with me on the pavement (chasing me with a car is not acceptable but bicyles are ok).

As you follow along please keep in mind all the reasons why I am doing this.  Attention is what I seek.  Attention for all the little kids walking around the children's hospital with 10 IV's stuck into them with a pole of chemo drugs and a terrified parent following behind.  Attention for all the families that have to watch, completely helplessly, as their loved ones take their final breaths.  Attention for emotional scars that never heel but help remind us that life is truly a gift.

37 miles this week!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Long Runs Have Begun

It's been a pretty good week of training, 4 miles Monday, 7 miles Tuesday, 4 miles Wednesday, 7 miles Friday and 14 miles Saturday.  Mother nature still refuses to make it easy but treating the inclement weather like a challenge seems to make it a litlle more tolerable.  Good friends with gym memberships and treadmills in their basements tends to ease the frustration too.  Saturday was a good day for a run 5 degrees and a slight 6MPH wind.  I don't know what it was about that wind but every time I turned into it it was like a shock to my system for the first 15 steps or so.  I felt like a little baby experiencing the wind for the first time.  Most of us have seen that look on a baby's face.  That look of wide eyed uncertainty about whether or not it is ok to breathe this awful frigid substance into their system.  I hope no one saw me.  The fourteen miles went well Saturday, the nerves of finishing a marathon with my dignity in tact are starting to subside a little bit.

Please mark May 7, 2011 on the calendar.  The second annual Running for the Ribbons 5K run/walk in Kindred will be on that day.  If you would like to register, e-mail me at and I will send you a form.  Anyone willing to train with me can just let me know, you don't have to run with me for the whole distance.  Just a few miles is a great motivator for all parties invovled.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Any Thoughts?

Yesterday after telling a friend I had run 9 miles earlier in the day, he asked me what I thought about while I was running for almost an hour and a half.  Here is a brief answer to that question. Mile one is almost always consumed mostly with thoughts of slowing my butt down so I don't burn out by mile 3.  Mile one was also a mile of figuring  a route to take so that the wind is avoided as much as possible.  When the air temp is 6 below the wind is best avoided.  On a good day, by mile two the music I have on changes from an outside disturbance to a relaxing whisper.  Miles 3 and 4 are still filled with thoughts of speed regulation, it can be difficult to keep yourself reeled in during the early miles. Mile 5, over half way there, starting to think about picking up the pace. By mile 6 legs got a little achy I was able to remind myself to take a few deep breaths and keep pushing on at the current pace.  Miles 7 and 8 were rather peacful, thoughts of the looming nice weather and good memories can go a very long way.  By the end of mile 8 I am feeling a bit fatigued just as one of my favorite Metallica songs is getting to the lyrics that state 'listen dammit we will win'.  Those lyrics ring through with our goal to beat cancer.  As I proceed, bad memories of wathching a little girl waste away in less than two months start to drag me down even further.  Then I take a breath get lost in the music again and focus, I pick up the pace and no longer imagine myself floating over the pavement.  Instead I try to dig my feet in with every step thrusting myself forward faster.  Finish strong is the only thought I have left in my mind. By the end of mile nine I am a sweaty mess and feel pretty good, better get inside before I cool off and freeze in place, only to be found by sandbaggers in a few weeks.

Remember to keep May 21st on the calendar.  They are hoping to have at least one band for every mile during the Fargo Marathon.  It will be a great time.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

March is coming

Who needs hills when you have 50 pounds of clothes on and you are running against a 20MPH wind on an icy street.  Despite the fact that winter can be a bit brutal up here in the northland a good workout is one of the few benefits. It has been around three weeks since groundhog's day.  Not sure if everyone remembers, but good ol' Punxsatawney Phil told us there was only two weeks of winter left.  Well Phil, don't fret I won't be wearing that groundhog's skin jacket this year.  Instead I am going to let you live with your lie, riddled with guilt I am sure of it.  There is light at the end of the tunnel though, March is only a few days away and things should turn around for us in the weather department. I know it sounds like I am complaining, it should, because that is what I am doing. Ok really, training is going well and I can complain until I am blue in the face but it won't do any good.  So I will continue on like a good North Dakotan and just enjoy the good weather and quit whining about the bad weather.

I would like to end with a couple cancer facts:
this year there will be approximately 569,490 cancer deaths
on a website for the ACS there are over 50 cancers listed (that is not counting all the obscure rare cancers that get grouped into one category)

Google 'Cancer Facts' on the web and you will realize why we need to get this handled.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ahhhhh Hills

Two runs successfully completed in Dickinson.  The first run (on Friday) was a 6 mile run, the weather was a little questionable but the hills were too tempting.  The 12 mile run on Saturday ended up happening in the West River Community Center in Dickinson.  WRCC is a great facility with some of the best treadmills I have ever used and a nice second floor indoor running track.  6 miles on treadmills and 6 miles on the track worked really well. 

Naturally with a busy lifestyle I was very nervous about finding time to get all the miles completed.  So far so good though.  I have found that searching for places to train has been a great way to find out what each city has to offer. I hate to sound trite, but it really is true that once you put your mind to something it isn't that tough to accomplish a goal.  So as I ramble on about myself please keep in mind that the ultimate goal here is to help all cancer fighters in any way possible. 

30 miles completed this week

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Just a quick bit of info. for fellow runners.  It is perfectly ok to tackle a 13 year old boy in the snow, as long as he threw the first snowball.  I guess it also helps if he is friends with your son and won't go home and tell Mommy what happened.  One thing to keep in mind though. Kids, especially in angry mob form, can make and through snowballs faster than one 32 year old male.  I guess a snowball fight is a good cool down after a 3 mile run.  The nice 30 & 40 degree weather has forced some of us outside to blow off some steam.  I can almost smell flood season in the air. 

We are off to Dickinson, ND for the weekend to butcher pigs.  Should be good cross training.  I am excited to get a couple runs done in my home town where there are hills available.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'll take 30 degrees

11 miles felt really great on Saturday morning.  The day was about perfect, 30 degrees and sunny with a light breeze.  The air was fresh and crisp with the occasional smell of snowmobile exhaust that got to be more than occasional as the morning progressed.  The snow was perfect consistency for surprising a couple of the neighbors. No direct hits though, one person busted me before the throw and the other was terribly underthrown.  At approximately mile 7 a freind very graciously offered me a can of Mountain Dew as he drove by on the highway.  I declined and requested a beer instead.

I would like to put a bug in everyone's ear about a couple things we have on our agenda.  The first is a 5k run that we plan on hosting in Kindred ND at the end of April.  I am also looking for volunteers to wear a Pookie's Patriots/Running for the Ribbons shirt either as a spectator or a runner for all events during the Fargo Marathon Weekend.  The Fargo Marahton on May 21st is just a few weeks before our Relay for Life event and I beleive the coverage will help us with our fund raising.  We will have all details worked out in about a week so keep it on your radar. 

In the mean time keep up the great work and support for our cause.  Myself and so many others will never enjoy the satisfaction of sitting in a courtroom to see justice served to the monster that killed or tried to kill our loved ones, but that's ok we will RUN the monster down ourselves and savor every moment.  So keep up the great work and don't forget to ask the hard questions.  The ACS does wonderful things but we need to keep them sharp with questions like:  Why are we using cancer causing toxins to treat cancer, when vitamin C was used effectively in the 1940's?  Why are experimental treatments not covered by insurance when they are the only option available for survival?  Why are there immune system treatments that have been used successfully in other countries for years?  Why is childhood cancer the least researched cancer?  These questions are all questions I have been asked, some have merit & some don't but all are deserving of REAL answers so lets keep up the work. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lucky #12

Courts Plus in Fargo, ND is a great fitness facility just 1/2 block from my place of work.  I was able to get my hands on a free one week pass to get me through these sub arctic temperatures this week.  For my 3 mile run on Monday I chose treadmill #12.  Who knew that decision would turn out to be the worst one of the entire day.  I have NEVER had a worse 3 mile run in my life. For whatever reason treadmill #12 seemed like it was running with erratic speeds that I couldn't keep up with.  I felt absolutely horrible for the entire night after the run.  I know it was treadmill #12 and not the buffalo chicken dip, spinach dip, jalapeno poppers, baked potato skin, taco soup and 1/2 a bottle of wine that I consumed at a super bowl party the night before. Tension was high all day Tuesday as I wondered if something was wrong with me or if I just had a really bad day on Monday.  Turns out switching to a different treadmill was the answer.  Tuesday and Wendesday went really well and I will be back outside for the long weekend runs. 

I guess the beginning of this week is a good metaphor for life.  We have good days and bad days, but overall it is definitley worth pressing on.  I just hope something isn't wrong with county road 16 this weekend, I would hate to have two bad runs in one week.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just two more weeks of winter

As much as I hate running on the treadmill, it is nice to have the option when it is cold outside. This week it is looking like there will be more 20 below wind chills for at least Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Running outside when it is below zero is not too bad as long as the wind isn't too strong, but out here in the country where there is no shelter it is just impossible to get away from it.  The treadmill at home broke down last week and it may be unrepairable.  Oh well, looks like and indoor track or fitness club will be in my near future. On the bright side I was able to get out for a 5 mile run with my new shoe grips on friday, and a 6 mile run on Saturday.  The best part about Saturday was being able to go out with my old training partner Mattie.  It wasn't quite as tough for her as she has four legs and a fur coat, but beleive me she was just as happy to get outside as I was.

Although I am plagued with equipment woes this week, I am looking forward to it.  Runs are starting to get longer and I seem to feel a little better with every mile.  This is going to be a lot of work but it will be great fun. 

22 miles this week and 66 miles total (should be 71 but I missed one 5 mile run)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog's Day!

Okay, this weather is out of control!! Seven degrees below zero has been the highest temperature this week, that temperature paired with the wind has made it feel like forty degrees below zero at times.  The weather is supposed to finally turn around this weekend.  According to Punxsutawney Phil we only have 2 weeks of winter left.  If he is wrong........well let's just say, the Native Americans had buffalo skins to keep them warm, I will have a groundhog skin jacket to keep me warm.

Even though the weather sucks, training has been going well.  The muscle soreness and joint pain have gone away and I now feel like I can concentrate on just training and getting stronger.

9 miles in so far since Monday  

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why I Train

Although we stay positive and try to enjoy every day, there are bad days. Today is one of those bad days, and I feel that I should share some personal experience to help keep everyone motivated to continue circulating awarness.  It is just not right that my wife, myself, and so many others have had to look at a child, that is already scared because she can't walk, and say "your cancer is back".  The first comment we heard after giving out that information was a child ,with teared up eyes and a shaky voice, saying "I don't want to die".  After a month of trying to fight and weigh the options, we did indeed have to tell her she was not going to make it.  We have had many sleepless nights before and after her passing, remembering all the terrible things that happened to her.  I will let you know when they end. Just a few weeks ago I was having a dream about Morgan passing away from her cancer. For a breif second when I awoke from that dream I thought, "thank goodness that was just a dream". As I woke up the rest of the way reality set in again and the rest of the night was pretty rest free. Any person touched by cancer can insert similar stories. We all press on and appreciate life for what it is. Bad days happen but life is great fun and our lost loved ones would slap us around if we were caught moping around.

Wednesdays post will be more upbeat, but I just need to make sure everyone keeps the cause close to their hearts.

All 25 miles successfully completed this week.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Time to Chain Up

Well, week two is going well, getting outside to run is a great feeling.  One downfall is the slippery streets in Davenport.  The best description for my ability to get traction would be similar to a dog walking on a new laminate floor for the first time. I would say the GPS logged 8 miles in Davenport and my legs probably put on at least 10 miles.  I guess I need to revise the answer I gave to Nicole also.  I WILL be looking for extra traction for my shoes, friction will be my friend from here on out.

I am currently in Minot, got a 3 mile run in this evening.  I must say, the sidwalks in this town are cleverly hidden under snowbanks and piles of cleared snow. Between streets, kaldisaks, and parking lots I got it done.  I am sure it looked like the cops were chasing me, and I didn't even rob a liquor store this time.

Thanks to the new followers!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Off to a great start

Week one turned out pretty well considering the temperatures.  I was able to get my 8 mile run in on Friday, had to do it on the treadmill as the windchills were dangerously cold.  I made a decision to skip the 5 mile run this weekend and do some cross training instead.  The cross training consisted of a day of snowboarding with friends and family.  Hopefully we can get one more weekend like that in before winter is over and training gets to a point where ALL the miles are very important.

Stay tuned for week two, as I will be out of town for a trade show for most of the week.  Finding time to train may be a challenge, temperatures sound like they will be better though, so I will get a scenic view of Minot, ND.  At times it will be difficult to get the miles in, but where there's a will there's a way. I guess when you break it down it isn't that tough to find 45 minutes of daily free time during the week and 2-4 hours of free time on the weekends, especially when you think about the goals at hand, whatever they may be.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

-20 SERIOUSLY!! Week 1

Black running tights (thats right I said tights), gray insulated sweats, heavy knit socks, running shoes, heat gear under armor, hooded sweathshirt, windbreaker, stocking cap, & face mask.  Finally ready, and as soon as I am done robbing the liquor store I will come inside and run 3 miles on the treadmill.  Hey don't judge, you try running outside when it is 6 below with a 20 below windchill.  Ok seriously, all 14 miles so far this week have been on the treadmill.  On top of having to run on the treadmill this week, Tuesday morning from 1:30am to 5:00am I was on a fire call with my fellow volunteer firemen (you guys rule).  After getting home from the fire call I worked from 7:00am to 5:00pm.  I then came home and ran 5 miles on the treadmill.  Talk about a long day. 

Days like Tuesday really drive home the reason my family and I are trying to create as much Cancer awareness as possible.  Fighting Cancer is a battle that must be fought no matter how tired you are or how crappy you feel, it is just there, but those of us that have experienced it's effects first hand know that it will only wreck your spirit if you let it. 

Thanks for the support and donations so far!!! Keep watching for updates on Wednesdays and Sundays
14 miles down, 543 to go

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Welcome to my training

I was the fortunate winner of an entry to the Fargo Marathon while attending a silent auction for Pray for Gray (an event to raise money for brain tumor research).  So it just made sense that I would use my training to try and raise awarness and money for the American Cancer Society.  Running was a great way for me to relieve the stress involved in dealing with the loss of my eight year old daughter to brain cancer.

As you will notice by the pictures posted below, training in January in North Dakota is quite literally no day at the beach.  In a few short months the fields on either side of the road will be filled with corn, soybeans, and sugar beets, but for now there is a BUMPER crop of snow.  The cold and snow are tough but it still beats running for 1 or 2 hours on the treadmill.  New levels of boredom are easily achieved on long treadmill runs. 

Hope to hear from you as I continue on this path. Maybe I will even see a few of you running beside me while I am training (hint hint).