Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Marathon has Just Begun!

Well.....I made it 4:17 for my first marathon, not as fast as I wanted but apparently faster than the average first marathoner.  Either way I will take it and the event was a great time.  If I said it was smooth sailing the whole way I would be lying like crazy.  Miles 22 through 25 were an experience in pain that I had no idea was coming. At the beginning of mile 26 when I could see the end in sight I had a decision to make.  Either walk and have it hurt like hell or run and have it hurt like hell for less time.  I picked option number two and finished the race.  I was very grateful for the family and friends that were strategically placed along the way.  Even though I saw them for a grand total of less than a minute, it is amazing what a friendly and loving face can do to lift your spirit and keep you pressing on.

Another pleasant surprise I encountered during this great event was all the information and advice that you gain along the way.  Information such as, beer at the finish line, naked cheerleaders one mile ahead, and Chuck Norris never ran a marathon were great tid bits of info. that kept me forging forward.  The advice was equally as encouraging.  I don't know how I have made it this far in life without signs like, finish before the rapture, 26.2 miles because 26.3 would be crazy, and last but not least, don't sh**t yourself.  I think Confucius rolled over in his grave. 

I would like to thank everyone for all the support along this journey and I don't think, by now, that I need to insert anymore cancer metaphors.  If you are wondering how to get involved just participate in any of your local Relay for Life events. When I say participate I mean spend time at the event reading luminaries, listening to speakers, and visiting with all the team members that have worked so hard to achieve the same goals that my family and I are trying to achieve.  If you really want to leap in, spend the whole night walking on the track and taking in the emotion of the event.  It won't take long to figure out why we are so passionate about this cause and want to prevent others from experiencing all the BS that we have experienced.  If you are local to me our event starts at 5:30 pm June 3 and ends at 6:00am June 4, in Lisbon ND.  Hope to see you on this continued journey to beat the hell out of cancer. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice report. I did the full at Fargo in '07, half in '09 and 10k in '10. I agree, little signs and cheers from friends and family can make a big difference, even when you see them for only a moment.

    This year my daughter did the half--she said her favorite was the guy dressed as the grim reaper with the sign "the end is near."
